
2013年7月30日 (二) 07:27Admin (讨论 | 贡献)的版本
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本文的英文原文来自 http://www.tigase.org/content/installation-using-gui-installer

如果你不想使用手动方式来安装Tigase, 你可以使用GUI安装包. 它不只拷贝服务器文件到首选的位置, 而且辅助配置大部分参数和数据库设置. 所以它安装Tigase的首选方式.


在你能够启动GUI安装包之前,你将需要一个Java工作环境. 尽管安装包只要求 JRE (Java运行时环境), 服务器需要 JDK (Java开发包). 请注意目前 Tigase可以运行的的最低JDK版本是1.6 . 如果你还没有安装JDK,现在该装上它了. 访问 Java下载网站, 从可用的包列表中选择最新的JDK版本(如果你没有使用J2EE的特别需求,那么选择一个不带它的包). 在配置了JDK之后你可以下载 Tigase GUI安装包并开始服务器安装过程. 把 JAVA_HOME 环境设置正确也是非常重要的.


你总是能在下载章节找到最新的Tigase包. 当你进入该页面, 你将看到一个可选的文件列表. 开始你可能很疑惑有太多选择, 但是你不需要担心. 所有Tigase二进制包都有约定的名称, 这帮助你很容易地区分它们. 它们的格式是 tigase-server-x.y.z-bv.ext ,这里 'x', 'y', 'z' 和 'v' 是版本号并且它们的变更是从每一次发布. Ext 是文件扩展名,这里我们的GUI安装包程序是 .jar . 我们推荐你下载该服务器的最新版本(最高的版本号),因为它包含了最新的功能和提升.


在大部分系统中安装了JRE或JDK之后会创建缺省的文件关联以允许运行 .jar 文件,通过 点击/双击 它. 无论如何如果当你点的时候什么都没发生你可以手工执行它. 按顺序执行以下步骤:

   If you are on Windows system you can use the command prompt to run the installer directly using the java command.
       Click on the Start menu and choose the Run action (You can also use the Win+R shortcut).
       You will be presented with a dialog box where you can enter a command. Type "cmd" (or "command" in the case of windows version older then 2000) and submit the window.
   If you are on a Linux system, you can use a terminal. It should be easily discoverable as it is a standard tool on this platform. Find and run it.
   Command prompt / terminal will appear. You will be able to check a whether your Java environment is working. To do it type the
   {syntaxhighlighter brush: bash;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }java -version{/syntaxhighlighter}command and press Enter. If the message says that the command is not recognised then your Java installation may be corrupt or not configured properly. For correctly setting up JRE/JDK including setting the JAVA_HOME environmental variable please check documentation provided on the JDK download site. Also when the command succeeds please check if the printed version number fulfils Tigase requirements. When many versions of JDK/JRE are installed on one machine java command will need to be invoked with the full path it is placed on.
   When you have no doubt that you can run the correct java launcher, you may start the installer i.e. for the file tigase-server-4.1.0-b1315.jar downloaded to the c:\download directory type the following command: {syntaxhighlighter brush: bash;fontsize: 100; first-line: 1; }java -jar c:\download\tigase-server-4.1.0-b1315.jar{/syntaxhighlighter} This command should start the installer or print an error message explaining what is the cause of problem.